Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Stress has caused me to loss my focus. I have gotten myself in a funk and have allowed the circumstances around me to interfere with me staying focused on my goals. So much of my life is out of control right now...my eating is one of them. I feel like life is so overwhelming most of the time lately and not knowing what is going to happen is driving me crazy. It has turned into me eating things I know I shouldn't. I am looking to food to help sooth my nerves and give me a sense of what is normal or should I say what was normal in the past. I need a sense of renewal I guess or I just need to go back to what I was doing. I think I need to start writing down what I am eating again so that I will be accountable for what I am doing. I think I am also going to check out Zumba. I am hoping I really like it. Hopefully I can put my big girl panties on and just deal with life as it comes...no matter how scary that is.

1 comment:

  1. Life can deal some hard blows. Especially to your self-esteem. Don't let a set-back discourage you. Take some time for YOU and just think (as much as possible) positively of what you can do to help YOURSELF for a change.
