Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The payoff and determination!!!

I am thrilled to say I have reached my first major goal. My first major goal at my doctor's office was for me to lose 42 pounds. I have met that goal and have kept going. I have little goals of losing at least 10-12 pounds per a doctors visit but the nurse set my first goal for 42 pounds. My doctor's appt isn't till the 15th so it feels good to have met it before the appt. It feels so good to have met this goal. Of course I know I have a long way to go but today is definitely a win.
I think in some ways it has kind of renewed my commitment to eating healthy and being healthy. No more eating things I know I am not supposed to, I am going to work out at least 5 times this week, and back to drinking water. I still haven't had soda but have been drinking sugar free juices. I am "allowed" to drink them but I haven't been drinking water like I am supposed to. I refuse to let anything get in the way of it this week. I refuse to let the stress of what is going on around me affect my eating habits this week. Hope other's will join me this week. Let me know and we can support each other through it.


  1. Keep up the good work. It is so hard not to stress eat. Life gets so crazy we use food to medicate our problems. I'm there with you drink lots of water, exercise and stay away from the junk that we should not be eating anyway.
